CNM 190: Advanced Digital Animation is a year-long course offered at UC Berkeley which is targeted at students with backgrounds in art, film, or computer science who intend to work in the visual effects, animation, and entertainment industries.

It will build upon students' knowlege from related courses to guide them through the digital animation production process in an environment similar to industry production houses. We will survey many advanced topics and allow students to focus on a subset they find interesting while collaborating with their team to develop a 30-second animation piece.

The final grade will be based upon weekly homework assignments, participation in critiques, and confidential peer evaluation (each contributing to 1/3 of the grade). In addition, the final group deliverable can bump everyone in the group up or down a +/- level. Feedback (including current grades) will be provided mid-semester.

Class Resources


In addition to regular lectures, labs, and office hours, we may have guest speakers from Pixar, Industrial Light and Magic, and other companies in the industry!

Everything will be posted on the class calendar here.

View Calendar


Our Piazza board will host all class discussion and other announcements.

It is very important that you subscribe so that you receive all updates as they happen!

View Piazza


Throughout the course of the semester, we will be posting tutorials and guides on the class wiki (which is also shared by our introductory DeCal UCBUGG).

If you learn something useful you would like to share with the class and all future semesters, we invite you to contribute to the wiki as well!

View Wiki

Past Projects

You can find a list of final shorts from past semesters here!

The most recent projects have their assets and resources publicly available for you to download and use as a reference.

View Past Projects

You can email the staff at

  • Faculty
  • Teaching Assistants
    • Ali Yasin
    • Mark Craig
  • UCBUGG (UC Berkeley Undergraduate Graphics Group) is the student-taught class at UC Berkeley which serves as the unoffical prerequisite for this class.

    UCBUGG homepage